2010년 8월 19일 목요일

Windows Live 필수 패키지(Wave 4) 베타 2 릴리즈

지난 2010년6월25일에 릴리즈 된 Windows Live 필수 패키지(Wave 4) 베타에 이어 베타2 버전이 다시 릴리즈 되었습니다. 2번째 베타에서는 Wave 4의 정식 제품 명인 Windows Live 2011로 표기되어 있으며, 다음과 같은 성능 향상이 있다고 합니다. 

  • A quicker Messenger – The time it takes to sign in, and to refresh contacts and social feeds, as well as animation speed, are all faster than in previous versions of Messenger.
  • More efficient video chat – Messenger video chat uses 30% fewer CPU resources by offloading work to the GPU.
  • Better facial recognition – Photo Gallery facial recognition is improved significantly and works more quickly.
  • Larger movie uploads – Movie Maker will upload higher resolution movies to SkyDrive (480×640 vs. the previous 320×480).
  • Higher bit-rate movies – Movie Maker now supports higher quality (bit-rate) content.
  • Better spell-checking – Writer has significantly improved the quality of its spell-checking.
  • Better integration with Office – Writer is much better at retaining all formatting when you copy and paste from Word and other Microsoft Office programs.
  • Better handling of Gmail – Mail now automatically handles Gmail’s spam and trash folders properly.
  • Faster web filtering – Family Safety web filtering is 35% faster than in the previous version.

2번째 베타 역시 한글 버전은 릴리즈 되지 않았기 때문에, 영문 버전만 설치하여 사용할 수 있습니다.

다음과 같은 2가지 종류의 설치 패키지를 다운로드 받아 설치할 수 있습니다.

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