2010년 11월 4일 목요일

“Programming Windows Phone 7” 무료 eBook 다운로드

마이크로소프트 MVP인 Charles Petzold의 저서 “Programming Windows Phone 7” eBook을 무료로 다운로드 받을 수 있습니다.



본 eBook은 Microsoft XNA 및 Silverlight를 사용하여 Windows Phone 7용 애플리케이션을 개발하는데 필요한 필수 가이드입니다.

Petzold says-
This book is divided into three parts. The first part discusses basic concepts of Windows Phone 7 programming using example programs that target both Silverlight and the XNA framework.

The second part of this book focuses entirely on Silverlight, and the third part on XNA 2D. For your convenience, the chapters in each part build upon previous knowledge in a progressive tutorial narrative, and hence are intended to be read sequentially.

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